Panajachel, Guatemala

member Panajachel
Panajachel, Guatemala Panajachel, Guatemala Panajachel, Guatemala Panajachel, Guatemala

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Servicios Turisticos Atitlan

shuttle service, travel agent & tours
in Panajachel:
Tel: ++502-762-2075 Tel & Fax: ++502-762-2246
Emergency (24 hrs.) : ++502-762-2421
Calle Santander, Panajachel
in Antigua:
Tel: ++502-832-8581 Tel & Fax: ++502-832-1493
Emergency (24 hrs.) : ++502-832-1493
1a Calle Poniente #9, Antigua (see below) Panajachel

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CLICK HERE to see larger. ~ This will open in a separate window.

Servicios Turisticos Atitlan's office in Antigua has moved to a new location. It's now next to the church La Merced and easier to find.

Servicios Turisticos Atitlan
Servicios Turisticos Atitlan

Servicios Turisticos Atitlan is a full service travel agency offering a wide range of tours throughout Guatemala.

When the Queen of Spain came to Guatemala she taveled the country with Servicios Turisticos Atitlan.

Servicios Turisticos Atitlan

Many travelers (including the Queen of Spain) take advantage of their door-to-door shuttle service to go almost anywhere in the country.

Shuttle Schedule

Days Departure Arrival Price p/p ow
From Guatemala City to Antigua
Daily5:00 am6:00 am$10.00
Daily6:00 am7:00 am$10.00
Daily9:00 am10:00 am$10.00
Daily11:00 am12:00 pm$10.00
Daily2:00 pm3:00 pm$10.00
Daily5:00 pm6:00 pm$10.00
Daily8:00 pm9:00 pm$10.00
From Guatemala City to Panajachel
Daily5:00 am8:30 am$20.00
Daily6:00 am10:30 am$20.00
Daily11:00 am3:00 pm$20.00
Daily2:30 pm6:30 pm$20.00
From Guatemala City to Chichicastenango
We Sa6:00 am10:30 am$20.00
We Sa11:00 am3:00 pm$20.00
We Sa2:30 pm6:30 pm$20.00
Th Su6:00 am10:30 am$20.00
From Antigua to Guatemala City
Daily4:00 am5:00 am$10.00
Daily5:00 am6:00 am$10.00
Daily6:00 am7:00 am$10.00
Daily7:30 am8:30 am$10.00
Daily9:00 am10:00 am$10.00
Daily11:00 am12:00 pm$10.00
Daily12:30 pm1:30 pm$10.00
Daily3:00 pm4:00 pm$10.00
Daily6:30 pm7:30 pm$10.00
From Antigua to Panajachel
Daily6:00 am8:30 am$10.00
Daily8:00 am10:30 am$10.00
Daily12:30 pm3:00 pm$10.00
Daily4:00 pm6:30 pm$10.00
From Antigua to Chichicastenango
We Sa8:00 am10:30 am$10.00
We Sa12:30 pm3:00 pm$10.00
We Sa4:00 pm6:30 pm$10.00
Th Su7:00 am9:30 am$10.00
From Antigua to Copan
Daily4:00 am10:00 am$25.00
Daily9:00 am3:00 pm$40.00
From Antigua to Coban
Daily9:00 am2:00 pm$40.00
From Antigua to Rio Dulce
Daily4:00 am9:00 am$30.00
Daily9:00 am2:00 pm$40.00
From Antigua to Quetzaltenango
Daily6:00 am10:00 am$30.00
From Antigua to Flores
Daily7:30 am6:00 pm$40.00
Daily6:30 pm5:00 am$40.00
From Antigua to Monterico
Daily8:00 am10:30 am$10.00
From Panajachel to Guatemala City
Daily6:00 am10:00 am$20.00
Daily9:30 am1:30 pm$20.00
Daily12:00 pm4:00 pm$20.00
Daily4:00 pm8:00 pm$20.00
From Panajachel to Antigua
Daily6:00 am8:30 am$10.00
Daily9:30 am12:00 pm$10.00
Daily12:00 pm2:30 pm$10.00
Daily4:00 pm6:30 pm$10.00
From Panajachel to Chichicastenango
We Sa12:00 pm1:00 pm$7.00
We Sa4:00 pm5:00 pm$7.00
Th Su8:00 am9:00 am$5.00
From Panajachel to Quetzaltenango
Daily6:00 am8:30 am$20.00
From Panajachel to La Mesilla
Daily6:00 am10:30 am$35.00
From Panajachel to Rio Dulce
Daily6:00 am2:00 pm$50.00
From Panajachel to Copan
Daily6:00 am3:00 pm$50.00
From Panajachel to Coban
Daily6:00 am2:00 pm$50.00
From Panajachel to Flores
Daily6:00 am6:00 pm$50.00
Daily4:00 pm5:00 am$50.00
From Panajachel to Monterrico
Daily9:00 am1:00 pm$35.00
From Chichicastenango to Panajachel
Th Su2:00 pm3:00 pm$5.00
From Chichicastenango to Antigua
Th Su2:00 pm5:00 pm$10.00
From Chichicastenango to Guatemala City
Th Su2:00 pm5:00 pm$20.00
From Monterrico to Antigua
Daily3:00 pm5:30 pm$10.00

Contact them for more information about tours and and other services they provide.

Panajachel  Tip: Almost all international travelers come to Panajachel by a van service such as STA or in the famous "chicken buses" (perhaps "infamous" is the better word). The chicken buses truly are a cultural experience not to be forgotten. However they are not for everyone.
Certainly the price is right, but which bus goes where and when they go there is difficult to discern to say the least. They are usually crowded beyond belief, uncomfortable and some drivers might strike you as suicidal, but if local color is what you are after, there is nothing quite like them.

Panajachel, Guatemala
Panajachel, Guatemala

© 2002 Duncan Aitken
Panajachel, Guatemala

Panajachel, Guatemala